I froze, hearing someone coming down the hall. I pushed Schultz back into the hall and crouched down. "It might not matter," I whispered to her, "but it might, so hush." She did as I told her and I peeked out as far as I dared. As soon as I realized that the pair rounding the corner was the Queen and her Hound, I tensed. If the King was worried about us, she would be too, wouldn't she? Surely her Hound would, at least. I whispered this to Schultz. "A blind lady and a dog? Why are you worried?" "The Hound is no dog, and as for the Queen..." "I'm sightless, but I can still hear," the Queen called. "I recognize your voice, Ausrine, but not your companion." I sighed and stepped out into the hallway, curtsying. "Sorry, your majesty." Schultz fell into line next to me with an awkward bow that turned into an even more awkward curtsy, and I had to wonder where she'd learned her court manners. "This is Schultz. She's one of the-" For a moment, I hesitated. The King had said to tell no one who didn't know - but surely I could expect the Queen to know? "She's one of the travelers who recently found her way here. Schultz, this is her majesty Queen Tamara and her Hound, Gatis." "Pardon my rudeness, your Majesty," Schultz said, not looking up from her curtsy. Well, I was glad to see she had learned some manners. "You're forgiven, my dear." Tamara smiled, and I relaxed. Gatis still looked ready to fight either of us, or maybe the invisible assassin sneaking up behind us, but I supposed that was his job. Schultz finally looked up, smiling and walking right up to the Queen until Gatis stepped forward and stopped her. "Is it true you're blind?" "Don't be rude," I hissed at her. Schultz looked back at me, then at the queen, then at Gatis's narrowed glare, and jumped back toward me.